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Autor           Wątek: multiboot XP Install dvd  [Przeczytany 9915 razy]
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Posty 112

 [30.03.2008, 16:06:21]


This project will create a customized multiboot XP Install DVD.

Steps that were automated:
  • Copy all files from a Windows Source onto to a target folder
  • Add BCDW to be used a multiboot manager
  • Create in unattended mode a 5Mb sized WinRoot project and add to target folder
  • Create in unattended mode a full sized 300Mb LiveXP project and add to target folder
  • Process nLite addons found inside a sub-folder and attach them to a nLite profile
  • Process WUD (Windows Updates Downloader) update files and attach them to the nLite profile
  • Launch unattended nLite and customize the Windows source found on the target folder
  • Launch DriverPacks and silently add all selected driverpacks inside the target folder windows folder.
  • Create a ISO with mkisofs
  • Launch this ISO image with VirtualBox
  • Burn ISO image on DVD

  • nLite is not included and should be installed on your computer before running this project
  • Spaces in path name are not fully supported - use a simple path like "c:\uxp" for example
  • You need a maximum of 4Gb disk space free on disk.
  • Windows XP SP2 PRO Install CD or files copied to a folder on disk
  • If running under Vista you need to disable UAC to build this project.
Download page:

A full step-by-step gallery of screenshots can be found here:

Possible bugs:
  • It seems that the FileCopy command is not working correctly on the first script under some conditions (Projects\uxp\Basic\2-CopyFiles.script) - solution - manually copy your Windows CD files to the target folder


  • I hadn't tested on a folder with spaces on path name before uploading so it might be buggy - solution - use a path like "c:\uxp"


This project will take around 30~50 minutes until it is completed - all steps should be done in complete unattended mode without requiring any user interaction.

- Initial boot screen

- LiveXP environment

- Windows XP Install


If needed - each script can be executed individually by pressing on the "green" play button

The download package is sized in nearly 600Mb because it includes all driverpacks available and around 300Mb worth of freeware applications - it wasn't meant to be light - just a big and heavy XP install that I could use for everyday OS install on new machines without need to worry about drivers or installing some of my favourite programs.

List of included addons (programs that are installed when the XP setup is running):
  • ProgramAddons Ccleaner_201.cab
  • ProgramAddons DriveImage XML 1.21.cab
  • ProgramAddons FileZilla
  • ProgramAddons Firefox
  • ProgramAddons Java Runtime Environment 6 Update 3.cab
  • ProgramAddons Notepadplus 4.6.cab
  • ProgramAddons OpenOffice 2.3.0.cab
  • ProgramAddons PuTTY 0.60.cab
  • ProgramAddons QT_Alt-211.cab
  • ProgramAddons RealVNC 4.1.2.cab
  • ProgramAddons Recuva 1.06.132.cab
  • ProgramAddons Spybot Search _ Destroy 1.5.cab
  • ProgramAddons Tiny Hexer
  • ProgramAddons TUGZip
  • ProgramAddons Unlocker185.cab
  • XPizeDarkside21.exe
  • XP_Codec_Pack-232.cab
This project allowed me to build a 1,4Gb XP Install DVD that I burned onto a 8cm mini-DVD/rw and carry everywhere to use whenever needed.

Please remember that this is the initial beta release and I would really appreciate any feedback regarding this project in order to make things work better - thank you in advance for your comments about it.

[Ostatnia zmiana: 30.03.2008, 17:38:12 by: Yurek3] IP Zapisane

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