Tytuł: Programy z przełącznikami do cihej instalacji Wiadomość wysłana przez: Yurek3 13.02.2007, 01:46:24 Programy z przełącznikami do cihej instalacji
7-Zip Switch: -y /q /r:n Full syntax: 7Zip.exe -y /q /r:n Extraction needed: ? Adobe Reader 6.0 Basic and Full Switch: -p"-s /v\"/qn\"" Full syntax: AdbeRdr60_enu_full.exe -p"-s /v\"/qn\"" Extraction needed: No Note: Creates a Cache folder in the Windows directory, use a RD command to remove this directory. (rm /? in command prompt for more info) Adobe Acrobat 5.1 Switch: -R to create ISS file. Full syntax: See http://www.MSFN.org/unattended/xp/applicat...stallshield.htm Extraction needed: Yes Alcohol 120% Switch: /qn Full syntax: setup.exe /qn Extraction needed: ? ACDsee 6.02 See: http://www.MSFN.org/board/index.php?showtopic=12161&st=0 Adobe Photoshop 7 & 8 See: http://www.MSFN.org/board/index.php?showtopic=10552 AVG Anti-Virus See: http://www.MSFN.org/board/index.php?showtopic=10705&st=0 Avant Browser See: http://www.MSFN.org/board/index.php?showtopic=10712&st=0 Boot XP Switch: /S Full syntax: bootxpsetuprc2.50.exe /S Extraction needed: ? Connectix Virtual PC IS Script Switch: /qn Full syntax: ISScript8.Msi /qn Extraction needed: ? Connectix Virtual PC Switch: /qn Full syntax: CVPC.msi /qn Extraction needed: ? Command Prompt Explorer Bar 1.1 Switch: /qn Full syntax: Cmdbar.msi /qn Extraction needed: ? ConTEXT 0.97 Switch: /verysilent Full syntax: context.exe /verysilent Extraction needed: ? Customizer XP 1.8.5 Switch: /VERYSILENT /SP- Full syntax: cstmizxp_reg.exe /VERYSILENT /SP- Extraction needed: ? DUMeter 3 Switch: /VERYSILENT /SP- Full syntax: dumeter3.exe /VERYSILENT /SP- Extraction needed: No Daemon Tools Switch: /qn /Reboot=Suppress Full syntax: daemon.msi /qn /Reboot=Suppress Extraction needed: Yes eMule See: http://www.MSFN.org/board/index.php?showtopic=10756 Easy CD Creater 5.0 Switch: /s /v/qn Full syntax: setup.exe /s /v/qn Extraction needed: ? Foobar2000 See: http://www.MSFN.org/board/index.php?showtopic=10958 Google Toolbar Switch: /s /qn (or /q /d) Full syntax: GoogleToolbarInstaller.exe /s /qn Full syntax: GoogleToolbarInstaller.exe /q /d Extraction needed: No Note: /d installs Google Toolbar without Advanced Features Jasc Paint Shop Pro Switch: /qn Full syntax: JPSP8.msi /qn Extraction needed: ? Journal Viewer 1.5 Switch: /qn Full syntax: JV.msi /qn Extraction needed: Yes Kazaa Codec Pack Switch: /silent Full syntax: kcodec210.exe /silent Extraction needed: ? Logon Loader Switch: /VERYSILENT /SP- Full syntax: Logon_Loader_2.1.0.exe /VERYSILENT /SP- Extraction needed: No MCAffe Viruscan 8 See: http://www.MSFN.org/board/index.php?showtopic=10946 mIRC See: http://www.MSFN.org/board/index.php?showtopic=10723 Microsoft Visual Basic 6 Runtimes Switch: /Q Full syntax: vbrun6.exe /Q Extraction needed: ? MusicMatch Jukebox Switch: /s Full syntax: MusicMatch.exe /s Extraction needed: ? Note: User Registration screen pops-up. MagicTweak Switch: /silent Full syntax: MT270.exe /silent Extraction needed: ? Messenger Plus 2.54 Switch: /SilentInstallNoSponsor or /SilentInstall Full syntax: msgplus254.exe /SilentInstallNoSponsor Extraction needed: No Notes: Opens IE and MSN Messenger after installation. Nero Burning ROM 6.0 Switch: /SILENT /NOREBOOT /SN=xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx /WRITE_SN Full syntax: Nero6xxxxx.exe /SILENT /NOREBOOT /SN=xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx /WRITE_SN Extraction needed: No Notes: Only works for Nero and onwards. Use /HELP for more switches. Norton Systemworks 2003 Switch: /qn Full syntax: Setup.exe /qn /Reboot=Suppress Extraction needed: ? OpenOffice 1.10 See: http://www.MSFN.org/board/index.php?showtopic=12044 Partition Magic 8.0 Switch: /s /v/qn Full syntax: setup.exe /s /v/qn Extraction needed: ? PowerDesk 5.0 Switch: /S /N /LANG=ENG Full syntax: PD5.exe /S /N /LANG=ENG Extraction needed: ? Perfect Disk 6 Switch: /qn Full syntax: pdwks60.msi /qn Extraction needed: ? PC Cillin Switch: /qb REBOOT=Supress Full syntax: pcc.msi /qb REBOOT=Supress Extraction needed: ? PowerDVD 5 Switch: -R to create ISS file. Full syntax: See http://www.MSFN.org/unattended/xp/applicat...stallshield.htm Extraction needed: ? Also see: http://www.MSFN.org/board/index.php?showtopic=11115 Quicktime 6 Download full installer. Create a QuickTimeInstaller.ini with the following:CODE[QTSETUP] license_option=0 no_dialogs=true registration_dialog=false supress_speed_dialog=true install_qtjava=false install_qd3d=true show_sample=false show_readme=false show_programfolder=false install_qtinfo=true Full Installer and QuickTimeInstaller.ini must be in same directory. QuickTime Alternative Switch: /VERYSILENT /SP- Full syntax: quicktimealtxxx.exe /VERYSILENT /SP- Extraction needed: No QCD Player Switch: /S Full syntax: qcd411.exe /S Extraction needed: ? Note: use Taskkill /F /IM QCDPlayer in addition. RealPlayer One v2 Switch: -s Full syntax: RealOnePlayerV2GOLD_en.exe -s Extraction needed: ? Real Alternative Switch: /VERYSILENT /SP- Full syntax: realaltxxx.exe /VERYSILENT /SP- Extraction needed: No Resplendent Registrar 3.21 Switch: /S Full syntax: regist.exe /S Extraction needed: ? SpywareBlaster Switch: /verysilent Full syntax: spywareblastersetup.exe /verysilent Extraction needed: ? Sygate Personal Firewall Switch: /QN Reboot=Supress Full syntax: spf.exe /QN Reboot=Supress Extraction needed: No SiSoft Sandra Pro MAX3 Switch: /VERYSILENT Full syntax: filename.exe /VERYSILENT Extraction needed: ? TuneUp Utilities Switch: /q Full syntax: filename.exe /q Extraction needed: No | If you do, then use TU2003.msi /qn TweakXP Pro 2.0 Switch: /qn Full syntax: tweakxp.exe /qn Extraction needed: ? Tweaknow PowerPack Switch: /VERYSILENT /SP- Full syntax: setup.exe /VERYSILENT /SP- Extraction needed: ? TightVNC Switch: /silent Full syntax: filename.exe /silent Extraction needed: ? WinISO 5.3 Switch: /VERYSILENT /SP- Full syntax: WinISO.exe /VERYSILENT /SP- Extraction needed: ? WMP 9 Bonus Pack Switch: /q Full syntax: WMP9Bonus.exe /q Extraction needed: ? Windows XP Support Tools Switch: /qn Full syntax: Suptools.msi /qn Extraction needed: ? WinAmp 2.91 / 5.0 See: http://www.MSFN.org/board/index.php?showtopic=12364&st=0 and http://www.MSFN.org/board/index.php?showtopic=11803&st=0 and http://www.MSFN.org/board/index.php?showtopic=12160 WinZip See: http://www.MSFN.org/board/index.php?showtopic=10618 Yahoo Messenger 5.6 Switch: /s Full syntax: yahoomessenger.exe /s Extraction needed: No. 7 Zip 3.13 Install Switch: -y /q /r:n Extraction: None Notes: Registry: ABC –Another Bit Torrent Client 2.6.5 Install Switch: /S Extraction: None Notes: Registry: ACDsee 6.02 See: http://www.MSFN.org/board/index.php?showtopic=12161&st=0 ACE Codec Pack 5.93 Install Switch: -s Extraction: None Notes: use /r /f1”c:\setup.iss” to create the setup.iss in your C:\ copy setup.iss file in the same directory where your application setup.exe file resides in. Registry: ;Removes Startup Items [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run] "MMTray"=- [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run] "MMTray2K"=- [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run] "MMTrayLSI"=- Ad-Aware 6 Install Switch: /SILENT Also See: http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=16094 Add Remove Plus 2004 v4.1 Install Switch: /s Extraction: None Notes: Registry: Adobe Photoshop 7 & 8 See: http://www.MSFN.org/board/index.php?showtopic=10552 Adobe Reader 6 & 6.02 Install Switch: -p"-s /v\"/qn\"" Extraction: None Notes: Registry: Adobe Acrobat 5.1 Install Switch: -s Extraction: Yes Notes: use /r /f1”c:\setup.iss” to create the setup.iss in your C:\ copy setup.iss file in the same directory where your application setup.exe file resides in. Aida32 or Everest 110 Install Switch: /SP- /VERYSILENT AIM 5.5 Install Switch: /s Extraction: None Notes: pskill aimwdi~1.exe Pskill minibug.exe Registry: ;Removes Messenger and Temperature thing from Startup [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run] "AIMWDInstallFilename"=- [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run] "Tray Temperature"=- Alcohol 120% Install Switch: /qn Extraction: ? Notes: Registry: AutoIt 3 Install Switch: /S Avant Browser 9.2 Install Switch: /S Extraction: None Notes: Registry: Avast Antivirus 4.1 See: http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=13132&hl=avast AVG Antivirus Free 6.0 Install Switch: Auto IT Script I made. PM me or download it Here if you need it. Extraction: Notes: Registry: Boot XP 2.5 Install Switch: /S Extraction: Notes: Registry: Bubble Golden Pack Deluxe 1.1 Install Switch: Use Auto IT script I made. PM me or download it Here if you need it. CD Data Rescue 2.2 Install Switch: /VERYSILENT /SP- Extraction: None Notes: Registry: CDeX 1.51 Install Switch: Use Auto IT script I made. PM me or download it Here if you need it. Clone CD Install Switch: Auto IT script I made. PM me or download it Here if you need it. Extraction: None Notes: pskill CloneCDTray.exe Registry: Command Prompt Explorer Bar 1.1 Install Switch: /qn ConTEXT 0.97.4 Install Switch: /VERYSILENT Extraction: Notes: pskill ConTEXT.exe Registry: Cover XP Pro 1.65 Install Switch: Use an Auto IT script I made. PM me or download it Here if you need it. Notes: Crap Cleaner 1.09 Install Switch: /S Extraction: None Notes: Registry: Customizer XP 1.8.5 Install Switch: /VERYSILENT /SP- Daemon Tools Install Switch: /qn /Reboot=Suppress Extraction: After running the installer, get the .msi installer from C:\WINDOWS\Downloaded Installations\DAEMON Tools 3.46\ Or on whatever drive your installation may reside. DC++ 0.401 Install Switch: /S Extraction: Notes: Registry: Defrag Pro 3.0 Install Switch: /S Extraction: None Notes: Registry: Diskeeper 7 and 7 SE Install Switch: /s /v"/qn REBOOT=Suppress DotNet Framework 1.1 Install Switch: /q /c:"install /q" Extraction: None Notes: Registry: DUMeter 3 Install Switch: /VERYSILENT /SP- DVD Region Free 5.01 Install Switch: /VERYSILENT /SP- Easy CD Creater 5.0 Install Switch: /s /v/qn Easy CD Creater 6 Install Switch: /s /v"/qr REBOOT=Suppress REBOOTPROMPT=S Emule 0.42f Install Switch: /S Extraction: Notes: Registry: Evil Lyrics 0.1.7 build 127 Install Switch: /S Extraction: None Notes: pskill EvilLyrics.exe Registry: Fast Folders 3 Unattended setup: if you want to install FastFolders automatically, without user interface, please include the installation path as a command line parameter. Also, any file included in the command line will be copied to the installation path by the setup program. Here is an example: FFSetup.exe "C:\Program Files\FastFolders" License.dlc Fireburner 2.2.1 Install Switch: /qn Firefox 0.8 Install Switch: /qb Extraction: None Notes: Custom .msi posted by m4dh0. Get it Here: http://www.madhon.co.uk/firefox/firefox08.msi Or see: http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=20271 Flash 7 for Internet Explorer Install Switch: Extraction: Notes: Registry: FlashGet 1.60 Install Switch: /S Extraction: None Notes: Registry: FlashFXP v2.1 Install Switch: /SILENT FreshUI 6.80 Install Switch: /SILENT Foobar 2000 Install Switch: /S Extraction: None Notes: pskill fooassoc.exe pskill foobar2000.exe Registry: GetDiz v2.6 and higher NFO VIEWER Install Switch: /s ICQ Lite 4 & Pro 2003b Install Switch: /s Extraction: Notes: pskill icqlite.exe Registry: ;Remove from Startup [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run] "ICQ Lite"=- Image Optimizer Pro 4 Install Switch: /qb Extraction: Notes: Use Custom .msi I made. PM me if you want it. Registry: Incredimail XE Install Switch: /s Notes: PSKILL IncMail IrfanView 3.9 or later iview390.exe /silent /folder="c:\test folder\irfanview" /desktop=1 /group=1 /allusers=0 /assoc=1 Options: folder: destination folder; if not indicated: old IrfanView folder is used, if not found: "Program Files" folder used desktop: create desktop shortcut; 0 = no, 1 = yes group: create group in Start menu; 0 = no, 1 = yes allusers: desktop/group links are for all users; 0 = current user, 1 = all users assoc: set file associations; 1 = images only, 2 = select all 2) PlugIns: all_plugins.exe /silent IntelliPoint 5.0 See: http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=20283 ISO Buster 1.6 Install Switch: /VERYSILENT Extraction: None Notes: pskill isobuster.exe Registry: iTunes 4.6 Install Switch: /S /v /qn Izarc Install Switch: /qb Extraction: None Notes: Used custom .msi I made. PM me or download it Here if you need it. Registry: Journal Viewer 1.5 Install Switch: /qn Kazaa Codec Pack 2.10 Install Switch: /silent Kazaa Lite K++ 2.4.3 Install Switch: /VERYSILENT Extraction: None Notes: Registry: Kazaa Lite Resurrection 0.7.5 Install Switch: Use Auto IT script I made. PM me or download it Here if you need it. Logon Loader 2.1 Install Switch: /VERYSILENT /SP- Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004 Install Switch: setup.exe -s Extraction: Extract files from main .exe to get setup.exe and the rest. Notes: use /r /f1”c:\setup.iss” to create the setup.iss in your C:\ copy setup.iss file in the same directory where your application setup.exe file resides in. Registry: MACROMEDIA HOMESITE 5 Install Switch: /-S MagicTweak Install Switch: /silent MCAffe Viruscan 8 See: http://www.MSFN.org/board/index.php?showtopic=10946 Microsoft Money 2004 Install Switch: syspack.msi /qn Install Switch: money.msi /qn BOOTSTRAPPERLAUNCH=yes Notes: The syspack needs to be installed first. mIRC See: http://www.MSFN.org/board/index.php?showtopic=10723 Mozilla 1.6 Install Switch: -ma -ira Mp3 2 All Converter 1.37 Install Switch: /VERYSILENT Extraction: Notes: Registry: MSN Messenger 6.2 Install Switch: /qb Extraction: None Notes: Registry: ;Removes Messenger From Startup [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run] "MsnMsgr"=- MV2Player 7.0 RC2 Install Switch: /S Nero 6 Ultra Install Switch: /SILENT /NOREBOOT Extraction: None Notes: Registry: ;Removes the Nero Filter Check From startup [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run] "NeroFilterCheck"=- Net Pumper Pro Install Switch: /VERYSILENT /SP- /NORESTART Extraction: None Notes: pskill NetPumperIEProxy.exe pskill notepad.exe Registry: ;Remove From Startup [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run] "NetPumper"=- Norton Antivirus Pro 2004 Install Switch: /qn /Reboot=Suppress Notes: Not Activated. Norton Systemworks 2003 Install Switch: /qn /Reboot=Suppress O&O Defrag 6 Install Switch: /qn Extraction: None Notes: Registry: OpenOffice 1.10 See: http://www.MSFN.org/board/index.php?showtopic=12044 Opera 7.5 and others Install Switch: /s Extraction: None Notes: Registry: Outlook Backup 6.5 Install Switch: /VERYSILENT /SP- Extraction: None Notes: Registry: Paint Shop Pro 8 Install Switch: /qb Extraction: Extract main file to get the .msi Notes: Registry: Partition Magic 8.0 Install Switch: /s /v/qn PC Cillin Install Switch: /qb REBOOT=Supress PDF Creator Install Switch: /verysilent /norestart Peer Guardian 1.99 pr14 Install Switch: /VERYSILENT /SP- Extraction: Notes: Registry: Perfect Disk 6 Install Switch: /qn Photophiltre 5.6.2 Install Switch: /S Extraction: None Notes: Registry: Pop up Stopper Free Edition Install Switch: /s Extraction: None Notes: pskill PSFree.exe Registry: Power Archiver 8.8 Install Switch: /VERYSILENT /SP- PowerDesk 5.0 Install Switch: /S /N /LANG=ENG PowerDVD 5.0 Install Switch: setup.exe -s Extraction: Extract files from main .exe to get setup.exe and the rest. Notes: use /r /f1”c:\setup.iss” to create the setup.iss in your C:\ copy setup.iss file in the same directory where your application setup.exe file resides in. Registry: QCD Player Install Switch: /S Notes: pskill QCDPlayer Real Player 10 Install Switch: setup.exe -s Extraction: Extract files from main .exe to get setup.exe and the rest. Notes: use /r /f1”c:\setup.iss” to create the setup.iss in your C:\ copy setup.iss file in the same directory where your application setup.exe file resides in. Registry: ;Remove Tkbell from startup [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run] "TkBellExe"=- [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\RealNetworks\RealPlayer\6.0\Preferences\FirstRunPlayed] @="1" Real VNC 3.3 Install Switch: /silent /sp- Registry Optimizer Install Switch: /qb Resource Hacker 3.4.079 Install Switch: Use custom .msi I made. PM me or download it Here if you need it. Extraction: Notes: Registry: Resplendent Registrar 3.21 Switch: /S Serv-U FTP 5.0 Install Switch: /s Extraction: none Notes: pskill servua~1.exe pskill servut~1.exe Registry: Sisoft Sandra 2004.2.9.104 Install Switch: /VERYSILENT /NORESTART Extraction: None Notes: Registry: Skype .95 beta Install Switch: /VERYSILENT /SP- SpeedFan 4.12 Install Switch: /S Spybot Search & Destroy 1.2 & 1.3 Install Switch: /silent Will display the progress during installation, but not the wizard. /verysilent Even the progress will not be shown. Errors etc. would still be shown. /nocancel Disables the Cancel and Close button. Useful with /silent. /dir="x:\dirname" Installs into that directory instead of the default one. /group="folder name" Installs into a program group of that name instead of the default one. /noicons Avoids creation of any icons for the installed softwae. /components="comma separated list of component names" Installs the given components instead of the default ones. Components are main, blind (icons for blind users), language (all language files) and skins. Spyware Blaster 3.1 Install Switch: /VERYSILENT Extraction: None Notes: Use repackaged .exe PM me or download it Here if you need it. Registry: Sun Java Virtual Machine for Internet Explorer Install Switch: setup.exe -s Extraction: Extract files from main .exe to get setup.exe and the rest. Notes: use /r /f1”c:\setup.iss” to create the setup.iss in your C:\ copy setup.iss file in the same directory where your application setup.exe file resides in. Registry: Sygate Personal Firewall Install Switch: /QN Reboot=Supress TightVNC Install Switch: /silent Total Commander 6.01 * Download the installer. * Using Total Commander itself, open the installer using CTRL+PGDN * Copy install.inf to the other pane using F5. You could also use your favorite packer program like winzip, winrar,... but why bother if you have TC? thumbup.gif * Edit install.inf as follows: [auto] auto=1 lang=1 alllang=1 iniloc=c:\totalcmd iniall=1 mkgroup=1 mkdesktop=1 * See the section [Languages] to know your language number. If you are reading this forum, you are smart enough to figure out the rest of the file. * Put install.inf back in the installer (copy it back using F5). * To do an unattended installation, just run the modified installer. * If you are a registered user, copy the file wincmd.key in the installation folder. TuneUp Utilities Switch: /q Tweaknow PowerPack Install Switch: /VERYSILENT /SP- TweakXP Pro 2.0 Install Switch: /qn Ulead Photo Impact 8.5 Install Switch: setup.exe -s Extraction: Extract files from main .exe to get setup.exe and the rest. Notes: use /r /f1”c:\setup.iss” to create the setup.iss in your C:\ copy setup.iss file in the same directory where your application setup.exe file resides in. Registry: Ulead DVD Player Install Switch: setup.exe -s Extraction: Extract files from main .exe to get setup.exe and the rest. Notes: use /r /f1”c:\setup.iss” to create the setup.iss in your C:\ copy setup.iss file in the same directory where your application setup.exe file resides in. Registry: Ultraedit v10.10 (and others) Install Switch: /SILENT Notes: must download the full version, not the webinstaller Visual Basic 6 SP6 Runtimes Install Switch: /q Extraction: extract “vb60sp6.exe” from main .exe Notes: Registry: VCR Pro 2.5 Install Switch: /VERYSILENT /SP- Extraction: Notes: Registry: WinACE 2.5 Install Switch: /qb Extraction: None Notes: Use Custom .msi I made. PM me if you want it. Registry: Winamp 5.03 Install Switch: /S Extraction: None Notes: pskill winamp.exe Pskill winampa.exe Registry: ;Removes Winamp Agent From Startup [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run] "WinampAgent"=- Window Washer 5 Install Switch: Used Auto IT script. PM me if you want it. Extraction: None Notes: Registry: Windows Media Encoder 9 Install Switch: /Q:A /R:N Windows Media Player 9 Bonus Pack Install Switch: /q Windows XP Support Tools Install Switch: /qb Extraction: None Notes: Registry: WinDVD Platinum 5 Install Switch: Setup.exe -s Extraction: Extract main .exe to get setup.exe and others. Notes: use /r /f1”c:\setup.iss” to create the setup.iss in your C:\ copy setup.iss file in the same directory where your application setup.exe file resides in. Pskill WinCinemaMgr.exe Registry: WinImage 6.1 Installlation: Extract main .exe. Either SFX it or copy directly over and create shortcuts. WinISO 5.3 Install Switch: /VERYSILENT /SP- Extraction: None Notes: Registry: WinMX 3.31 Install Switch: /qb Extraction: Notes: Used Custom .msi I made. PM me if you want it. Registry: Winrar 3.3 Full Install Switch: /s Extraction: None Notes: Registry: Winscp 2.3 (Free Secure Copy client) Install Switch: /SILENT Winzip 9 Install Switch: /qb Extraction: Notes: Used custom .msi I made. PM me if you want it. Or See: http://www.MSFN.org/board/index.php?showtopic=10618 WSFTP Pro 8.03 Install Switch: Setup.exe -s Extraction: Extract main .exe to get setup.exe and others. Notes: use /r /f1”c:\setup.iss” to create the setup.iss in your C:\ copy setup.iss file in the same directory where your application setup.exe file resides in. XP Anitspy Install Swith: /S Yahoo Messenger 5.6 & 6 Install Switch: /s Extraction: None Notes: Download full install, not web install. pskill Ypager.exe Registry: ;Removes Pager Startup Items [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run] "Yahoo! Pager"=- Yahoo Pops 0.6 Install Switch: /s /v /qn Zip Scan 2.0 Install Switch: /S na podstawie linku z MSFN |